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Technical support for Cpanel Account

Cpanel Flash Tutorials

Creating a POP email account Watch movie
Creating a default email address Watch movie
Creating an email account, Outlook Express Watch movie
Creating an Auto Responder Watch movie
Creating a mail forwarder (redirect) Watch movie
Managing WebMail Watch movie
Creating a Subdomain Watch movie
Addon Domain Maintenance Watch movie
Creating a new FTP account Watch movie
Redirecting a URL Watch movie
Password protecting a directory Watch movie
Using the file manager Watch movie
Backing up your site Watch movie
Changing your account password Watch movie
Creating custom errors pages Watch movie
Installing FrontPage Extensions Watch movie
Providing Hotlink protection Watch movie
Using the Index Manager Watch movie
Creating a MySQL Database Watch movie
Managing databases with PHP Admin Watch movie

Publishing your web via HTTP Watch movie
Publishing your web in live mode via HTTP Watch movie
Publishing your web via FTP Watch movie
Deleting files off your server Watch movie
Creating forms in FrontPage Watch movie
Password protecting a directory (subweb) Watch movie
Changing your password in FrontPage Watch movie

Creating an email account in Outlook Express Watch movie
Creating an email account in Outlook 2002 Watch movie
Creating an email account in Netscape Communicator Watch movie
Creating an email account in Eudora Watch movie
Creating an email account in Incredimail Watch movie
Creating an email account in Pegasus Watch movie

Getting started in SiteStudio Watch movie
Creating a Product Page in SiteStudio Watch movie
Creating an FAQ Page in SiteStudio Watch movie
Creating a Download Page in SiteStudio Watch movie
Editing a page in SiteStudio Watch movie
Password protecting a page in SiteStudio Watch movie
Configuring your Site Settings in SiteStudio Watch movie

  1. I uploaded my files but still see your page. Why?
  2. How can I upload my site?
  3. How do I use Cute FTP to upload files?
  4. How do I use WS_FTP to upload files?

1. I uploaded my files but still see your page. Why?

If our "Future Home of" page, index.html, has not been replaced by another index page, then anyone going to will still see the "Future Home of" page instead of some other home page.

This is the order in which the web server looks for a page to put up as the "home" page:

index.html index.wml index.cgi index.shtml index.jsp index.js index.php4 index.php3 index.php index.phtml index.htm default.htm default.html home.htm

Just delete the index.html file and anything after it in this list will then come up automatically.

2. How can I upload my site?

Unless you have or will be utilizing Frontpage Extensions on your site, you can use the File Manager located in your cPanel Control Panel to view all the directories and files in your account, as well as change permissions for directories and files, create directories, create and edit files, and upload files from your hard drive to your account.

If you would like to use another FTP client for uploading files to your site, we highly recommend using WS_FTP if you are not familiar with FTP clients. When the FTP client asks for a hostname or address, make sure to enter your IP ADDRESS until your domain name is indexed by the registry (which usually takes 24 to 48 hours but sometimes can take up to one week). All of your files and subdirectories go into your public_html directory.

Now that we've distinguished where your files go, there are several ways, depending on your computer system, that you can transfer files to your account directory. The process by which files are transferred to the web server is called "FTP" (File Transfer Protocol). You have unlimited access via FTP 24 hours a day. As such, you can create and maintain your web pages on your own computer and upload files to your web site at your leisure.

To upload your files to your account without using the File Manager in your Control Panel, you need an FTP program. For the PC users, visit: to download the newest version of WS_FTP Pro for the PC, one of the most popular FTP programs on the web.

For the Macintosh, a program called "Fetch" is used. Visit to download the newest version of Fetch.

After that point, you may use where it asks for host name. The FTP client will also ask for a Username or Login Name and Password. Enter your account Username and Password. (Make sure that Anonymous is NOT checked and Host Type selected is UNIX STANDARD. Also make sure "Passive" mode is NOT checked.) Once logged in, you will see several directories: cgi-bin, ftp, and public_html. If you have any scripts such as CGI's that need to be executable, place them inside the cgi-bin directory. In your HTML code, link to files in this directory by /cgi-bin/filename.cgi. For text and images files, place in the public_html directory. It's usually helpful to have an "images" directory to keep all your images organized. You will notice we already created one for you when we uploaded your "Future Home of" page.

REMEMBER -- When uploading files:

ASCII vs. Binary

Text-based files get sent in ASCII mode (.txt, .doc, .html, .htm, .shtm, .cgi, etc.)
Non-text based files are binary mode (.jpg, .gif, .exe, .mdb, .zip, pdf, .doc, ect...)

3. How do I use Cute FTP to upload files?

When CuteFTP is loaded the first time, a window will appear. If the window doesn't appear, press the F4 function key. Click on "Personal FTP Sites" and then click on "Add site." Add the following to the FTP Site Edit window:

-Virtual domain users should enter their domain name in Host Address
-All users must enter their username and password in the appropriate boxes
-Make sure Login type is Normal
-Do not add anything to the Initial Remote Directory Box

To download Cute FTP or for more information please visit: Or you can download a Cute Ftp user's guide here:

4. How do I use WS_FTP to upload files?

When WS_FTP is loaded the first time, a window will appear listing stored FTP locations. If the window doesn't appear, click on Connect. Click on New. Add the following to the Session Profile window:

-Virtual domain users should enter their IP Address (NOT the nameserver ip)
-All users must enter their username and password in the appropriate boxes
-Leave blank the Account and Remote Host boxes
-Make sure the Anonymous Login box is not checked.
-Host Type selected should be Automatic Detect or UNIX Standard (either is ok).
-Passive mode should not be checked.
-Click on Save and then OK.

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